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3 Benefits of FlexArm for Tapping Offline Instead of the CNC

Since the introduction of the modern day CNC mill, many companies choose to automate their tapping operations. While this sounds great from afar, tapping holes in the CNC mill can prove to be rather challenging, cumbersome, time consuming, and costly. To help solve these problems, the FlexArm Tapping Arm is the #1 tool. Guaranteed.

Tapping Offline Next to the CNC Mill

1. Increases Throughput

The expensive CNC machines are excellent for drilling and milling parts, but when it comes to creating the treads, it often makes more sense to eliminate the tapping process from the CNC. The overall cycle times of the parts go down and thus, more parts can get through the mill in the same amount of time. It also allows for the operator to perform the tapping manually while the machine is running parts as well.

2. Reduces Costs

Many shops will charge a shop rate for a job depending on the machines they expect to use to get the job done. For example, using a machine tool purchased for $1,000,000 compared to one that's $250,000 will be 4 times as expensive to produce the same part. Thus, when a tapping operation can be performed on a $5,000 FlexArm rather than a $100,000+ CNC mill, it costs the shop exponentially less money to produce parts. It's a simple theory but works quite well. A lot of customers will testify the FlexArm Tapping Arm paid for itself within the first job.

3. Eliminates Scrapped Parts

What's the daily nightmare of a machine shop? Scrapped parts! This is a big disadvantage of using a CNC controlled machined to produce parts, especially when tapping holes. The G84 in the program has to be absolutely perfect. The speeds and feeds of the tool have to be spot on as well. Why take all the time to program the operation while still running the risk of breaking a tap in some exotic material and scrapping an expensive part? The FlexArm Tapping Arm has a built in clutch that makes sure the tapping motor torques out at the bottom of a blind hole, thus a guarantee to eliminate tap breakage. Don't believe it? Take the Free 30 Day Challenge! - 851 Industrial Dr. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 - World's Leading Tapping Arm

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