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Neil at FlexArm / FlexDrill CNC

The eastern half of the United States consists of the heart of America when fabrication and machining is concerned. A large majority of FlexArm and FlexDrill CNC customer's are located east of the Mississippi River. To handle the 4,000+ current accounts that inhabit this manufacturing hot spot, I was chosen for the job.

Being the Territory Sales Manager for Northern Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida is quite the challenge, but a pleasure all in the same. These 6.5 states account for roughly a third of all FlexArm and FlexDrill CNC sales. Working with the people of these areas is what I've found to be the differentiator leading to success. Whether its a good ole' boy from Cleveland, an Amish machinist from Pennsylvania, or a part time fisherman from Tampa, working with the genuine people in my territory is the best part.

I have a passion for manufacturing and any way I can help teach someone something new, or learn from someone else, is what I enjoy. If you want to learn more about me or even industry updates about what's happening along the east coast, please reach out. or 419-738-8179.

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