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Building New Opportunity

Our excitement at FlexArm & FlexDrill CNC is continually growing as we finish the design for our new facility. The ground breaking date is in sight, and our anticipation is high.

This excitement stems from more than just a new facility though. We are excited for the opportunity and growth that this new facility provides us. With this expansion we can focus on growth of our company, staff, and business as a whole. Including the beneficial impact our building and job growth will have on our home, Wapakoneta, OH.

The new facility provides us a beautiful and practical home to boost customer satisfaction, create new products, recruit the best staff, and do great things. Here are some sneak peek renderings of the new home of FlexArm/FlexDrill CNC.

Be sure to check our email and social media updates for more information on the new building, and the date of our ground breaking ceremony!

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