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5 Reason To Service Your FlexArm

Introducing the fastest way to get your FlexArm serviced EVER! We now have a quick and easy contact form that helps us get all of the information we would possibly need in one location

1.) Maintenance extends the life of your FlexArm.

You wouldn't run your car without getting the oil changed, and expect it to preform well. The same goes for your FlexArm. With proper maintenance, your FlexArm could be the MVP of your shop for the next 20 years.

2.) It's literally easier then ever.

We now have a quick and easy way submit all of your information in one place, just answer a few questions and we'll be ready to process your arm.

3.) Betsy is Fantastic.

Our one-woman service department means that you get the same person every single time you need parts or service. No explaining your issue to fifteen different people, no being put on hold. Plus, she's delightful. No joke, some people send in for parts just to talk to her for 5 minutes.

4.) No down time.

You don't have to waste ANY production time by having your FlexArm down. We have loaner motors for most of our arms that we send you for free, just pay the shipping.

5.) Service is way cheaper then a whole new unit.

Before your arm or motor is serviced, you'll get a quote for the cost of the re-build, and we won't touch it until we get a go-head from you. Unless your unit requires a FULL rebuild, it's way more cost efficient to maintain it then to replace it.

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