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Warm and Fuzzy.

What is the Warm and Fuzzy?

We are firm believers in the "warm and fuzzy" feeling. Sitting 10 feet from the sales bull-pen, it's a phrase I overhear all day, every day...

"Make sure they have the warm and fuzzy"

"I'm not warm and fuzzy on that yet, see if we can do better."

" I don't think they have the warm and fuzzies... what else can we do?"

The warm and fuzzy is less a feeling, and much more so a measure of confidence. Saying that you have the "warm and fuzzy's" is like saying "I am 115% confident in the company I am purchasing from, my sales rep, the product I chose, and the service I will get after I buy." Giving customers the "warm and fuzzy" is what we strive for, it's our condensed quality policy.

Warm and Fuzzy Delivered.

The tap test, the FlexArm version of a test drive, is one of our most valuable tools to accomplishing the Warm and Fuzzy. If there is the tiniest bit of concern about choosing the correct tapping arm, we ask you to send in a sample part. We will happily video the recommended arms processing your material, zero commitment needed. If you're still not satisfied, sign up for the thirty day free trial and try it out in your own shop for 30 days.

We were able to save the client $4700,by giving them the confidence they needed to purchase a smaller arm, and we were able to maintain our return rate of less than 3% . How is that for "warm and fuzzy"?

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