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What it means to be ISO Certified

FlexArm Inc. is proud to announce we have received ISO 9001:2008 certification. Certification to ISO 9001 requires an accredited third party auditing organization to thoroughly review a company’s internal quality management system processes to ensure they are capable of consistently manufacturing products to the highest quality, engineering and safety standards.

So what in the heck does that mean?

This achievement reflects our company’s focus on supplying the highest quality solutions to meet our customer’s needs. This certification is an important step in assuring that our customers continue to receive the highest quality and service from FlexArm.

“With independent registration of our company by an outside auditor, everyone can be sure that FlexArm is committed to the highest standards in our operations, production and fulfillment.” – Nick Kennedy, FlexArm President

Since 1984, FlexArm has consistently designed and manufactured the highest quality products. At every tradeshow, people are comming up to us, exclaiming over how well their FlexArm has held up to the test of long use.

"I've had my FlexArm since '88 and we're still using it. That thing runs great."

This latest accomplishment verifies we treat this certification as much more than a question of ‘compliance to a standard’, but as a way to provide confidence in the products and services we deliver to our customers. Our commitment and strong customer focus is a common thread throughout our organization, from the President’s office through all of our operational activities.

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