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A FlexArm Custom Ergonomic Solution

Customer G has to move two different sized drums, one of them weighing almost 80 lbs, from the conveyor (left) to the seamer spindle (right). The drums are still being formed and don't yet have a top or bottom. They are sturdy enough to be handled, but can not be clamped without potentially damaging the drums.

There also was the issue of space to be dealt with. There needed to be room for the operator to stand, and maneuver the barrel safely, but the floor was too cramped to fit even the slim FlexArm mechanism on a pedestal.

The solution was to mount the FlexArm directly onto the post itself, and to rotate the mount to orient opposite the FlexArm. Vacuum powered suction cups securely gripped the barrel, without crunching the sides. The FlexArm and the suction could both be controlled by the operator with the hand controls.

The end design had three pivot points that gave the FlexArm both the flexibility and strength to rapidly maneuver the barrels safely from the conveyor to the seamer with minimal effort.

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